Friday, November 16, 2012

Distribution in Sabadel & Francisco Membreño

Wednesday, November 14, our second day with two distributions.  Our first distribution was at a Matagalpa neighborhood called Sabadel which consisted of many plastic, sheet metal and wood homes.  These homes were in a steep ravine area.  The kids were anxiously waiting our arrival with their faces painted and in their best clothes.  Their happiness and love were evident.  We were blessed by a 'Worship Dance’ performed by 4 “niñas” ranging from 6-14 yrs. old.  We then had the opportunity to Worship with them and they were lively and full of praise and love for GOD.  Before the ‘PAK’ distribution we broke into two groups, niños y niñas to break open ‘piñatas’.   The kid's enthusiasm, happiness and joy made us ALL feel like kids again!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

First Distribution (Mateare)

Our first distribution took place in Mateare.  This was a special outreach because none of these kids have ever been to church.  The Pastor took the time to seek out these kids because of the extreme need.  So, not only did we get the opportunity to bring hope with the school paks, we got to be the bridge between them and the local church.  We were asked to worship at the church and eventually the kids joined in.  When the Pastor wanted to pray for the team, we felt blessed because most of the children were praying with their hands up in the air.  Some of the parents approached the local Pastor to thank them and he then asked us to pray for the families.  We could DEFINITELY see God’s hand at work in the way He connected all three parts: the church, the team & the families.

*Karla & Sarah*

Saturday, September 15, 2012

2012 Mission Trip Scheduled for November 12th - 18th

Welcome to the 2012 Foothill Vineyard Missions Blog.  We are excited that there are several new members joining the team this year and will soon be updating with their Bios.  Select the link below to view a video with highlights of last year's trip.  By scrolling further down you can read posts from previous trips.

Donations for supplies are still being accepted, for information contact Foothill Vineyard Church at office@foothillvineyard.org or call (909) 394-3023.
