Friday, September 24, 2010

Super Busy Day!

It seems as though we did everything BUT the "chicken dance" today! We started our day off by celebrating the children who received paks last year to recognize their year of scholastic achievement. When we arrived at the school to our surprise we were welcomed with drill team and drum core performance. It was quite impressive....and LOUD!

We gave out backpacks to the kids from last year followed by a "Fiesta", which consisted of soda, a bag of animal cookies, and a necklace. These simple necklaces that may be insignificant to us, symbolized a year of achievement to them. Who knew a cup of soda and some animal crackers could bring so much joy. The highlight of the event was the "futbol" (soccer) in which our hero Greg Scantlin scored a goal.... against 10-11 year olds...way to go Gregorio!

We continued our journey to the "Sor Maria" for our second distribution at this church (hot box).....and it was even warmer today! We were able to bless another group of kids in this extremely poor area. It is extremely humbling to have a parent come up to you with tears in their eyes thanking you from the bottom of their hearts for something we felt like was not enough. We had an opportunity to hear the story of the woman who is the mission leader for this area. She expressed how she wished she would have had this same opportunity when she was growing up. She said her life would be different and even thinks about going back to school now, which is the reason our group decided to give her a pak. She will be attending school on Saturdays. This is also one of the reasons she is heading this up to give kids like her a better life.

The team was given the opportunity to go to a local church for their weekly youth service. After their worship time Greg gave his testimony while Karla interpreted it, then Bill sang an amazing solo, which surprised and amazed us! Next our mission worship team sang a few songs and then Mike Ramirez closed with a message of HOPE. At the end of the service the entire group gathered in a circle and prayed for each one of us on the team and thanked us for our generosity. Again not only were they blessed but we were blessed in return. We all agreed that this was OUR divine appointment. 
God is so good.

Miguel R, Hannaaaah, Gregorio, Karlita y Coco and the rest of the mission team.

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